Friday, January 28, 2011

Usage of Calling Cards in Internet Telephony

Twentieth century is the era of Internet telephony. One who uses the traditional mode of communication today is considered as obsolete and not living in today's times. With the frequent changes according to the need of the times, calling cards have surely replaced the conventional PBX services.

Internet telephony loses half its value without the calling cards. In the lay man's language, callings cards are similar to the prepaid recharge cards for the mobiles which are in vogue today. Almost every person is using the recharge cards, be it the rickshaw wallah or the CEO of some big company. The rates, offers and schemes are all the same without any discrimination related to class, caste or gender.

All the calling cards have some fixed prepaid amount which can be used to make any long distance calls at very cheaper rates compared to the traditional PSTN lines. The charges of the call per minute are lowered combined with the extenuation of surcharged amount.

The range of calling cards can vary from $5 to $ 100. All the business houses who are trying to venture into the sphere of Internet Telephony can make use of the calling cards to a great extent. Before you put your hands on it, make sure that you can afford to invest in the back end and hardware and software equipment. Calling cards are the source of communication with the help of Internet Telephony.

The givers of calling cards are the providers to the both wholesalers as well as retailers after they generate the Pin numbers. On the other hand, the experienced calling card providers make their deals going on with the online billing portals. The user can maintain various accounts with the help of the online billing services..........>>>>Read More.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Influx of mobile VoIP software

It has been a pretty long time when VoIP technology entered our lifestyle. Let's get into the flashback and find out as to what was there before the advent of such amazing technology. Of course, people did talk to each other even in those times. Even in the ancient times, people did have long distance relationships and did enjoyed talking for ours. Where does the difference lie then?

What is the difference between imaginary talk and literal talk? In both the kinds, there is surely the exchange of thoughts. In the former one, there is exchange of thoughts but you may not utter the words but in the latter, both are present including the thoughts as well as the words. In the earlier times, imaginary talk was the trend but today people do want to enjoy other person's voice including an access to their thoughts.

Today where there is a serious lack of time in people's lives, they do want to talk to their beloved for hours. The mentality has shifted to the fact that since life is short; they want to enjoy each bit of their life with smiles and laughter. Fortunately, people do have access to mobile VoIP software.

The cost effective VoIP technology took its first steps in the hardware segment of the technology.....................Read More .

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

VoIP Technology Got Mobility

A technology like VoIP was discovered in the year 1995 when no one was thinking about such an invention. No one needed it; no one thought in those days that it will become a necessity in the coming days. VoIP is all about the transmission of signals for the exchange of voice communications and multimedia over Internet Protocol.

Any sensible person knows that VoIP technology is limited to your desktop, sorry, I meant it was limited to your desktop in the initial days. Till the time you were at your desktop, you could enjoy each bit of this wonderful technology but when you are ready to move around, you need to stop using this technology. It proved to be a big limitation. This is the reason that it needed to be changed. Once a technology is invented, it needs to be updated according to the needs of the users.

In today’s times, when there is so much comfort available to the users, there is no point saying with excitement that VoIP technology has also changed. Yes, it has changed. Change is always good. A change never comes on its own. It has to be initiated. It is rightly said that the solution to a problem is to begin. The people with sense sensed it and moved forward to mobile VoIP software............Read More

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Distances don’t matter while talking

Although telecommunication industry is quite competitive even today with their rates burst down hugely in the last five years. There is more to come. Telecommunication industry is not going to look back in its progress graph. They keep rising with their new technologies and innovation is their all time favourite tool. They deserve a salute with the introduction of VoIP technology.

In earlier times, one used to think twice if they had relatives living outside India. There were charges which made one to think before calling. With the rates coming down, there was increase in the calling per month globally. With more and more technological progress, VoIP came into picture. Although it was not a hit in the initial stages but gradually it became popular amongst its crowds because of its feasible features.

The availability of calling at such low rates was possible with the advent of VoIP. Even today, people are not much aware of this technology thus not using it. The corporate houses are not aware that they can dominate their in house communication skills with the VoIP technology.

The usage of this technology in the corporate world is simply too good. In today’s times, it is common not to sit in office but do the work while you are either at home or on the way to meetings and trips. Most of the people do it and are successfully doing it. VoIP lets you do that easily with their Callback Service facility................................Read More