Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Journey from VoIP to Mobile VoIP
The most fantabulous technology of VoIP has now entered the mobiles and has possessed the quality of mobility. VoIP has put on the wings and is all ready to fly off in different directions making all the distant relatives get back in touch with the close relatives.
The first steps of VoIP demanded the presence of both the persons on the computer and the same service provider. The low cost of all the international calls were thankfully possible but you had to be present on your personal computer till the time you want to talk.
With the changing lifestyle, it was realised that there is a dire need of a particular technology which can cope up with the mobile lifestyle. The internet connection, video cable service, and the Mobile VoIP Software should be installed in the mobile itself so that there are no obstructions whatsoever.>>>>>>>>>>>>>Read More
Friday, December 24, 2010
Life is dead without Mobile VoIP
The most interesting and exciting phrase that exists on planet Earth is 'what would have happened if...' It can be in as many ways as possible and can have hundreds of evaluations. Add anything to this phrase and you will have ready-made debating topic in your hand the moment you want it.
This article dives into something technological which may not be of everyone's interest but whosoever is interested in it will enjoy it to the core. All the further content deals with what would have happened if there were no VoIP services. In the ancient times, no one could have imagined that there would be aero-plane, mobiles and IP calls in the coming ages. This is possible with the higher vision of Indians and the continuous hard work.
Mobile VoIP has almost entered our lifestyle and it's hard to get rid of it. Take for instance, alcohol. Till the time you are away from, all is well but the moment you take its sip and like it, it is hard to let it go. Its habit once acquired cannot be dealt with an ease. Habits are hard to break. Similarly, corporate houses and business, these days, are in habit of using the SIP Dialer with which they are able to make VoIP calls with clear voice and quite low rates.
The revolutionary features like mobility, functionality and reliability mean a lot to the smart users today. They want the rocket speed phones with higher quality of voice transmission and clear voice. The plethora of value added services like call forwarding, call transfer, call waiting, speed dial of a large number of 99 numbers attract them even more. The life without these VoIP calls today seems nowhere. Dullness, darkness and boredom accompanies one all around without these internet telephony calls.
The availability of hardware and software for this service is not a big deal. When the benefits exceed cost, no one minds spending some money. Hardware like VoIP phone, router, switches and gateways are required to make calls from SIP phones. Callback Service makes it easier by just registering to the service providers. You get the access number, you need to dial that number and they will give you a callback connecting you to the one whom you wanted to call.
Truly one would have been suppressed under the huge phone bills if there were no VoIP services invented for the convenience of mankind. The answer to the question as to what would have happened without the VoIP services is that life would not have been that easier and smiling!
Source :- http://www.articlesengine.com/Article/LiMonday, December 20, 2010
Business oriented Mobile VoIP Software
Communication constitutes a major part in the success of business houses. There should be healthy communication amongst all the employees to ensure that there is a smooth flow of work. Businesses expand it only when there is hale and hearty team work involved. Team work calls for regular one to one communication.
One can be polite enough while talking but no one will be generous enough (or rather fool enough) to bear all the phone expenses related to the business purposes. It is the responsibility of the business houses to provide for the communication. It has already started happening where many business houses provide phones to some section of their employees.
Although this was the earlier status of the businesses but the new trend goes on a smarter path. The smart executives are now putting their hands on Mobile VoIP Software. Particular software has to be installed on your mobile by which you can make international calls at quite reasonable prises. This is the upcoming trend which will be everyone's lips in the years to come.
More and more profits can come to you only when you lessen your costs and perform the best of your own. By allowing Mobile VoIP come into your life and throwing away the calling cards, you can do a lot. There are several departments in an office and people need to talk to each other to get the projects completed in time successfully. Mobile VoIP makes it much easier.
You cannot restrict your business geographically anyhow. You need to be on talking terms with anyone who is interested in getting work done from you. You cannot deny to the other person or your business revenues will be hampered drastically.
There are times when the employees are roaming and need to talk to the clients. Those are the times when mobile VoIP proves to be a boon. Nothing seems better than Mobile VoIP then. All the huge bills of phones are saved and money gets converted into the profits of the company.
Mobile VoIP works similar to the traditional phone line. It has the simple yet required features of call waiting, call transfer, call forwarding etc. All these features are user friendly like the whole process of Mobile VoIP.
Article Source:- http://goarticles.com/article/Business-oriented-Mobile-VoIP-Software/3695526
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
VoIP Mobile Application Services

VoIP mobile and call back services seem synonymous these days. Why would anyone deny the cost saving services when they are available everywhere these days? Earning money is very difficult but spending it (when you have earned it on your own) is much more difficult. People think twice now before spending even a single penny. The 'value for money' is the new motif which has been inherited from their elders. Sometimes, it is good to listen what elders have to say. Let's take a look at the functionality of call back services.
Using the call back services is children's play. Once you register yourself to obtain the call back service, you will receive an access number which acts as a lucky number in the future. When you want to make an international call and save money as well, you can use this number. All you need to do is to dial the US access number and hang up at the first ring. After some seconds, the switching centre will respond back giving a message asking you to dial the destination number. You need not even memorise the access number because it had facility to get saved in your phonebook.
This facility allows you to save on your pocket as well as keep in touch with your closed ones. Your comfort is seen thereby providing you the facility to change your callback number whenever you want. Interactive Voice Response system is responsible for such changes. The easy availability and usage of call back services have enabled them to replace the old fashioned calling cards!
The benefits of call back service are enormous. If you are an avid traveller, this can prove to be most beneficial to you since this service is mobile. For instance, you are in your hotel room...you can still use this service because the operator can transfer the call to the given room as and when required. It is ninety percent similar to the simple mobile usage. VoIP Mobile Application allows you to take very simple steps to use its services. The feature of speed dial is also available which allows to select a number which can be speed dialled according to your convenience.
For enable more convenience in your usage, you can use the account management feature available online. All the procedure is explained in very simple words there. We also provide you the monthly statement of your bill displaying all the call details with no additional chargejavascript:void(0)s.
Article Source :- http://goarticles.com/article/VoIP-Mobile-Application-Services/3636431