Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Journey from VoIP to Mobile VoIP
The most fantabulous technology of VoIP has now entered the mobiles and has possessed the quality of mobility. VoIP has put on the wings and is all ready to fly off in different directions making all the distant relatives get back in touch with the close relatives.
The first steps of VoIP demanded the presence of both the persons on the computer and the same service provider. The low cost of all the international calls were thankfully possible but you had to be present on your personal computer till the time you want to talk.
With the changing lifestyle, it was realised that there is a dire need of a particular technology which can cope up with the mobile lifestyle. The internet connection, video cable service, and the Mobile VoIP Software should be installed in the mobile itself so that there are no obstructions whatsoever.>>>>>>>>>>>>>Read More
Friday, December 24, 2010
Life is dead without Mobile VoIP
The most interesting and exciting phrase that exists on planet Earth is 'what would have happened if...' It can be in as many ways as possible and can have hundreds of evaluations. Add anything to this phrase and you will have ready-made debating topic in your hand the moment you want it.
This article dives into something technological which may not be of everyone's interest but whosoever is interested in it will enjoy it to the core. All the further content deals with what would have happened if there were no VoIP services. In the ancient times, no one could have imagined that there would be aero-plane, mobiles and IP calls in the coming ages. This is possible with the higher vision of Indians and the continuous hard work.
Mobile VoIP has almost entered our lifestyle and it's hard to get rid of it. Take for instance, alcohol. Till the time you are away from, all is well but the moment you take its sip and like it, it is hard to let it go. Its habit once acquired cannot be dealt with an ease. Habits are hard to break. Similarly, corporate houses and business, these days, are in habit of using the SIP Dialer with which they are able to make VoIP calls with clear voice and quite low rates.
The revolutionary features like mobility, functionality and reliability mean a lot to the smart users today. They want the rocket speed phones with higher quality of voice transmission and clear voice. The plethora of value added services like call forwarding, call transfer, call waiting, speed dial of a large number of 99 numbers attract them even more. The life without these VoIP calls today seems nowhere. Dullness, darkness and boredom accompanies one all around without these internet telephony calls.
The availability of hardware and software for this service is not a big deal. When the benefits exceed cost, no one minds spending some money. Hardware like VoIP phone, router, switches and gateways are required to make calls from SIP phones. Callback Service makes it easier by just registering to the service providers. You get the access number, you need to dial that number and they will give you a callback connecting you to the one whom you wanted to call.
Truly one would have been suppressed under the huge phone bills if there were no VoIP services invented for the convenience of mankind. The answer to the question as to what would have happened without the VoIP services is that life would not have been that easier and smiling!
Source :- http://www.articlesengine.com/Article/LiMonday, December 20, 2010
Business oriented Mobile VoIP Software
Communication constitutes a major part in the success of business houses. There should be healthy communication amongst all the employees to ensure that there is a smooth flow of work. Businesses expand it only when there is hale and hearty team work involved. Team work calls for regular one to one communication.
One can be polite enough while talking but no one will be generous enough (or rather fool enough) to bear all the phone expenses related to the business purposes. It is the responsibility of the business houses to provide for the communication. It has already started happening where many business houses provide phones to some section of their employees.
Although this was the earlier status of the businesses but the new trend goes on a smarter path. The smart executives are now putting their hands on Mobile VoIP Software. Particular software has to be installed on your mobile by which you can make international calls at quite reasonable prises. This is the upcoming trend which will be everyone's lips in the years to come.
More and more profits can come to you only when you lessen your costs and perform the best of your own. By allowing Mobile VoIP come into your life and throwing away the calling cards, you can do a lot. There are several departments in an office and people need to talk to each other to get the projects completed in time successfully. Mobile VoIP makes it much easier.
You cannot restrict your business geographically anyhow. You need to be on talking terms with anyone who is interested in getting work done from you. You cannot deny to the other person or your business revenues will be hampered drastically.
There are times when the employees are roaming and need to talk to the clients. Those are the times when mobile VoIP proves to be a boon. Nothing seems better than Mobile VoIP then. All the huge bills of phones are saved and money gets converted into the profits of the company.
Mobile VoIP works similar to the traditional phone line. It has the simple yet required features of call waiting, call transfer, call forwarding etc. All these features are user friendly like the whole process of Mobile VoIP.
Article Source:- http://goarticles.com/article/Business-oriented-Mobile-VoIP-Software/3695526
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
VoIP Mobile Application Services

VoIP mobile and call back services seem synonymous these days. Why would anyone deny the cost saving services when they are available everywhere these days? Earning money is very difficult but spending it (when you have earned it on your own) is much more difficult. People think twice now before spending even a single penny. The 'value for money' is the new motif which has been inherited from their elders. Sometimes, it is good to listen what elders have to say. Let's take a look at the functionality of call back services.
Using the call back services is children's play. Once you register yourself to obtain the call back service, you will receive an access number which acts as a lucky number in the future. When you want to make an international call and save money as well, you can use this number. All you need to do is to dial the US access number and hang up at the first ring. After some seconds, the switching centre will respond back giving a message asking you to dial the destination number. You need not even memorise the access number because it had facility to get saved in your phonebook.
This facility allows you to save on your pocket as well as keep in touch with your closed ones. Your comfort is seen thereby providing you the facility to change your callback number whenever you want. Interactive Voice Response system is responsible for such changes. The easy availability and usage of call back services have enabled them to replace the old fashioned calling cards!
The benefits of call back service are enormous. If you are an avid traveller, this can prove to be most beneficial to you since this service is mobile. For instance, you are in your hotel room...you can still use this service because the operator can transfer the call to the given room as and when required. It is ninety percent similar to the simple mobile usage. VoIP Mobile Application allows you to take very simple steps to use its services. The feature of speed dial is also available which allows to select a number which can be speed dialled according to your convenience.
For enable more convenience in your usage, you can use the account management feature available online. All the procedure is explained in very simple words there. We also provide you the monthly statement of your bill displaying all the call details with no additional chargejavascript:void(0)s.
Article Source :- http://goarticles.com/article/VoIP-Mobile-Application-Services/3636431
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Conception of Mobile VoIP
Yes it proved to be the turning point for the web browsers since it was much more than that. The simple and dull browsing of net was changed into an interactive experience. The relationship between the customer and the company was changed because they could discuss the pros and cons of the product in question. It does have some disadvantages thus asking for a new technology to enter this road to communication.
Let's take a look at some of these disadvantages and proceed further. The most prominent one was the problem of the high flying cost of such services. Imagine the calls being exchanged between two persons related to different countries like U.K. and Australia. The call center owner in such a case was suppressed under the heavy load of cost.
The second nuisance was the inflexibility of this system. Everyone need not be available at the time callback is made and more important and difficult is the availability at the same place. The prank calls were the biggest distraction in such a system. The details like the name of the person, which page or site was responsible for the call were hidden. Therefore, it was difficult to go on and on with such system there was an urgent need for something to emerge which could dilate all these disadvantages.
Thankfully, the advent of Mobile VoIP thus replacing the calling cards changed it all. This proved as the biggest saving pack all over the world leaving behind the big bazaar discounts and all other major discounts in the market. When the domestic household keep waiting for grabbing the discount, why would the corporate world be a step behind? They too are making the best of it from the time Mobile VoIP has arrived.
Making international calls at much lower rates is possible with the arrival of Mobile VoIP. You won't need your PC anymore but your personal phone will be enough to make such calls at such interesting rates. The more cheaply the things, the more interesting they get.
Article Source :- http://goarticles.com/cgi-bin/showa.cgi?C=3590521
Monday, November 8, 2010
Are you dumb enough NOT to use VoIP Technology?
In today's time when no one has time to meet the relatives or the close friends, mobiles or landline seem a boon to all of us. The problem does not solve here since everyone has his own choices of life and lives according to his/her own career choices or family requirements. You cannot even expect everyone to live in the same state or country for that matter.
The VoIP technology along with the facility of callback service has changed the way you used to communicate years ago. Now it is more easy and cost effective to make international calls. You can use the VoIP technology either on your mobile phone or landline depending on your availability. You need to hang up the line at the first ring and switching center will respond in a few seconds followed by your call to the destination number. You do not need to think twice for the prices as they are really very reasonable as well as affordable.
One of the benefits of using VoIP technology on mobile is the fact that the callback service can be used anywhere. It can range from your hotel room anywhere in the world to your home or even in your washroom. In addition to that, an additional feature called speed dial mechanism can account for the faster calls with high quality sound surround.
One need not waste time and money buying calling cards. You can settle once and for all by installing VoIP based phones. Corporate are big time using this technique for their calls and projects. It is a fact that geographical locations must not limit your intentions to touch the sky. The respective domains of the commercial industry are using this mobile VoIP technology for their varied purposes.
The domestic household does not lag behind in this race of talking. When prices are low, everyone loves to share even the minutest of incidents in the week or a day. The bond of any relationship is only higher when you keep talking. That is why; one should keep talking and keep sharing.
Article Source :- http://goarticles.com/cgi-bin/showa.cgi?C=3531151
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Dawning VoIP Technology
This technology was born in early 2004 but didn’t get noticed amongst his close relatives in the family of telecommunications until 2009. It was physically handicapped until services like Skype, Vonage and Lingo gave him support so that he can stand on his own. The best part lies in the fact that it is the higher version of now called old services like Skype, Vonage and others and has very bright future.
In today’s time, VoIP is the first class a/c compartment of train called superfast telecommunications and services like Skype and others are counted in the general coach. Once Google will be a full time partner with Mobile VoIP services, it will have a train of its own. Google is well known for providing quality services and it has also proved this in its Google Voice application. The upcoming merging or the partnership of Google and Gizmo will prove to be yet another revolution in VoIP technology. Let me announce that it is high time for companies like Skype and others to tighten their seatbelts and compete truly.
High competition might be a trouble for companies but it is always good news for the customers. They will get much lower rates which is equivalent to local calls. Special discounts and customer oriented applications will be multi fold in the coming days. It is time to celebrate for the customers because they are the king in the telecommunication industry.
The cost saving aspect of VoIP Dialer makes it a bright nominee in the future leader of telecommunications. What was only in dreams ten years before is a reality now. Thanks to VoIP Technology. Making an international call is as easy as local call with quality voice. In the present time, one of the major downsides of mobile VoIP is that it is compatible with a few handsets like Google Android, iphone and Windows Mobile. With the current progressive speed of VoIP, I hope that this would not be a problem in the coming years.
Article Source : http://www.articlesengine.com/Article/Dawning-VoIP-Technology/651908/1
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
VoIP Industry crowned by SIP dialer
All the operations of your handset remain the same except the fact that it is now under the control of SIP application server providing you the advanced SIP services as well. The more you ask for quality, the more is the cost. High audio quality and the wide coverage provided by EVDO rev A or HSDPA is much more costly than Wi-Fi based VoIP service. Mobile VoIP software has the bright future because the manufacturers are smart enough to combine power puff processors with low cost memory taking into consideration the user's needs. With such advanced features, the mobile phones are capable of exchanging e-mails, browsing web, watching TV and even making international calls at the lowest possible rates.
Mobile VoIP combined with SIP dialer has very well handled the challenge of IP industry and networking services. It has combined both the services' benefits in one go. The economy and quality services are both best reside in Mobile VoIP. The reasonable and the quality service are provided by leaders in this field.
The most basic and most fundamental features of SIP includes the checking of remaining balance after the calls, checking of the all duration, various other call log details and being able to check the call rates of different destinations. All these features make the USP's of SIP dialer making mobile VoIP a hit amongst various users.
Your long bills of telephone must be replaced by the reasonable rates of Mobile VoIP. Don't waste money when you have the option of investing it at some other useful place. Mobile VoIP is an ideal option for those whose family and friends are away from them and thus the need to call is almost compulsory. Love your closed ones and keep talking without a single thought of big bills.
Internet is a food for people these days and when such application is available on the Internet, its party time for them. Let them celebrate the advent of Mobile VoIP in their life making them talk more and more on the lowest rates possible.
Article Source:- http://www.qwesz.com/voip-articles/voip-industry-crowned-by-sip-dialer.html
Friday, October 8, 2010
SIP Dialer Is Behind the Curtain
It is high time to gather some knowledge about the only protocol of mobile VoIP i.e. SIP. SIP stands for Session Initiation Protocol and is used in various different sessions of Internet Protocol. Most of the hit list facilities like instant messaging, web page click-to-dial, and voice chat are possible because of this signalling protocol called SIP.
No matter if it is a simple call or a conference, Sip Dialer handles all really well. SIP is RFC 3261 from administering body of Internet called IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force). SIP is the upcoming power burst of the competitive market. Since it is just cropping up in the established market, it has the disadvantage of 'no detailing' of sessions. It has start, end or change the sessions but does not possess the power to reach the minor detailing in between the sessions.
Although various technicalities like RTP, LDAP, YESSIR, and RSVP are involved in the provision of telephony services to reach that level of high competition, SIP is responsible for the following activities:
* Low calling rates thus grabbing the top position for the most economical calls. * Display of call logs making it more organised and clean * Display of detailed call status thus providing a smarter outlook. * Improvised sound quality so that you have a long lasting relationship with Mobile VoIP Software .
SIP takes an upper hand making the services of Internet Telephony another web application. It is a boon for the IP services and we should be thankful that it was designed by Henning Schulzrinne and Mark Handley in the distinctive and celebrating year of 1996. The much in demand multimedia services are possible because of SIP. Let us take a look at how it functions. Something called proxy servers can locate user's different locations, check their authentication and further provide the authority to use these services and various other features.
Today's times are such that it is essential or rather impressive to know a little bit more about what you are using in your day to day life. The name of mobile VoIP is on everyone's tongue but the application layer protocol called SIP demands more attention.
Article Source :- http://www.qwesz.com/voip-articles/sip-dialer-is-behind-the-curtain.html
Monday, October 4, 2010
What Are the Different Types of Callback Service?
From starting till date, three ways of using callback facilities have been developed. Learn about them from the following discussion.
Traditional Callback Service
This is the original callback service in which an individual is required to register his phone number and open an account with a callback service provider. A call back number is assigned to the person on registration. Whenever the person needs to callback, he dials the assigned number and hangs up after one ring. The computer at the service provider's office recognizes the number and calls back the person. In this way, the person is switched to the phone system of the service provider to call any of his contacts.
The advantage of traditional Callback is low cost calling, as the service provider is located in a country with low call rates. However, the process is time consuming and complex for the subscriber. Moreover, some countries ban the use of traditional callback as it affects the revenue generated through high cost calling.
SMS Callback Service
In this, the subscriber to a callback service provider sends a message through SMS service from their mobile phones to the service provider's number. The message contains the number of the subscriber as well as the number of the destination he wishes to call. The service provider then connects the subscriber with his intended destination. It is again a cost-effective solution but it is not applicable to each and every country.
Callback Software Service
The third type makes use of callback software that a person needs to install in his mobile phone. This software makes use of a callback dialer that follows an automated procedure to initiate Callback Service. You can easily integrate the callback software with the existing callback system used by the subscriber. It is not only a cost-effective but a fast solution for calling back.
Callback facilities have helped the businesses to entertain each and every caller so that the businesses don't miss any of their valuable clients.
iTel Mobile Dialer offers callback software that supports a huge array of existing mobile phones. The software is available for the service providers to offer cost-effective and fast callback facility to their subscribers.
Article Source :- http://www.qwesz.com/voip-articles/what-are-the-different-types-of-callback-service.html
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
What Are the Advantages of Using VoIP Mobile Application?
Considerable Cost Saving
People using mobile phone often complain of huge bills that they need to pay. Mobile VoIP software can help you lower down the monthly mobile bills by a considerable amount. For VoIP calling through mobile phones, you simply need to invest in a good internet connection. Mobile VoIP calling routes the calls through internet, thereby saving the money spent on traditional mobile calling.
Calling while Traveling
Using VoIP on mobile phones helps people to call even when they are roaming around the world. Traditional mobile calling adds a huge amount to mobile phone bills when calls are made while on roaming. However, you can call using VoIP software installed in your mobile phones to save money while traveling.
Business Telephony
Mobile VoIP Software finds a beneficial application in business calling. Most of the organizations provide cell phones to their employees to establish effective communication. However, this adds a significantly high cost to the business expenses of these organizations. Using VoIP technology on mobile phones helps the businesses to amazingly reduce this cost.
Going further, VoIP mobile technology allows the employees to use a number of other features, like participation in teleconference from any part of the world. Call switching and call transfer are other useful facilities established through VoIP mobile application in the mobile phones. The recently launched smart phones are even using the application for instant messaging and setting up multiple chat rooms.
Support for Multiple Platforms
The developers of mobile VoIP applications make the VoIP technology compatible with different platforms. For example, some VoIP software tools for mobile phones support popular operating systems like Windows Mobile and Symbian. Wireless technologies like Bluetooth and Wi-Fi can be used to provide internet connectivity for VoIP calling. So, it is a wonderful amalgamation of technologies to make telecommunication easier and convenient.
Amazing Call Quality Call quality and voice clarity offered by the VoIP mobile applications are appreciably higher than traditional calling. You can call using mobile phone VoIP even if there is weak or no network signal available.
So, it is a wonderful amalgamation of technologies to make telecommunication easier and convenient. iTel Mobile Dialer is a leading name that provides mobile VoIP software for numerous mobile phone models. The company also offers call back and call through software along with VoIP mobile application.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
What Features Are Expected From Mobile Dialer Software?
First and foremost, a good mobile or VoIP dialer is expected to be compatible with different cell phones. The cell phone models from the leading manufacturers like Nokia, Samsung, Sony, Blackberry, HTC and BenQ should be able to use the dialer for VoIP calling from mobile phones. Besides, the software must be compatible with the most popular mobile phone operating systems used in the latest models.
Support for Internet Connectivity Options
VoIP dialing software must support different internet connectivity options smoothly. For example, it should support Wi-Fi internet connectivity as well as Bluetooth connectivity. The dialer can also be expected to support internet connectivity through GPRS, EDGE and 3G as well.
User Friendly Interface
The user interface of the Mobile VoIP Software should be easy to use for the first time users. For example, it should provide instructions to the user and also display the call log information. Moreover, it should be easy to install and should easily integrate with the existing mobile phone applications.
Calling from Behind Firewalls
Another expectation from a good mobile dialer is that it should allow the users behind the firewall protection to make the calls. Most of the modern dialers are designed to customize their packet information so that the voice quality remains consistent even when passing through the firewall barriers. Besides, the dialer software must work with switch behind NAT as well.
Other Expected Features
A Sip Dialer is expected to ensure good voice quality on every call. For this, most of the VoIP dialing software products in the market use codec to convert for data conversion. These software tools are expected to handle procedures like call waiting, call forwarding, call blocking and call transferring. As a mobile dialer software user, you must take time to compare the features of different dialing software solutions available in the market. A good way to select one of the dealers is to consider the developing company and its reputation in the market.
iTel Mobile Dialer offers popular VoIP dialer solutions to various service providers. The award-winning products of the company include mobile dialer as well as callback and call through software solutions. The products offered by the company are highly customizable and support a number of technologies and cell phone models.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Why should you avail call back services?
The most obvious reason is the money saving factor which makes it an all time hit. The growing number of companies offering this service makes for the consolation prize of affordable prices for the customers. It is always a pleasure to hear the voice of the close ones when you get the callback service with the high quality service within your means.
These days, all the executives make frequent trips to the world around. With the ongoing tours, communication becomes the foremost preference and intense urge of a human being. With the advent of callback service leaving behind the Calling Cards, it is easy to make international calls every moment you desire.
You cannot under estimate the call back services. This can make you start your business immediately without any property investment. This will surely prove to be the cheapest and happiest investment you can ever make. Our excellent customer service won't let you have a single wavered line on your forehead! We are at your service round the clock and are happy to help you.
Have you ever wondered about our special feature offering full branding opportunity for service provider? Regarding this feature, our technical team will take care of all the 'behind the scenes' preparations and all that remains for you is marketing! After our work, the road to success depends on the marketing skills.
Other minor benefits include the display of call log information, phonebook integration and easy integration with existing Callback infrastructure. It supports extensive list of mobile handsets; therefore you need not worry thinking about its connectivity with mobile handsets. Last but not least, the required software can be distributed through web, WAP and OTA.
After reading all such exquisite benefits, what are you waiting for? Get your own connection right now and get started with the cheap international calls. Make a call anywhere in the world and talk as much you want. Price will no more be a factor creating distances between you and your loved ones.
Article Source :- http://www.qwesz.com/voip-articles/why-should-you-avail-call-back-services.html
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
A Closer Look of Mobile VoIP: Pros and Cons
It seems a loud secret today when we talk about reasonable cost of mobile VoIP calls. It is pretty obvious fact known by almost everyone. Lowering the communication and infrastructure cost is the basic function of Mobile VoIP. It is like taking your business along the moment you fly to another country. It is a portable device with no distractions whatsoever.
Usually, the benefits of VoIP like low cost and flexibility cover its disadvantages, thus providing a smiling picture of Mobile VoIP on every other website! Truly, these advantages do matter but we cannot overlook the disadvantages as well.
All is well only till there is no power cut! The moment there is no electricity, you cannot make any more phone calls. This happens because there is no back up facility unlike PSTN Networks. In the latter networking system, there is back up in the telecommunication exchange therefore allowing you to make calls even without the power supply! I would suggest you to have an extra PSTN line so as to avoid any embarrassing moments.
Make sure you have a strong security support before choosing the VoIP over regular operating system. Let me alert you to some of the miss happenings in today's time. A term called 'Packet Sniffing' refers to prying of your call leading to non transparency. Luckily, there are some services providers providing you value for money Mobile VoIP Software!
Quality is always an issue with the smarter people who spend money with one step backward. VoIP calls are generally susceptible to issues like packet loss, echo, jitter etc. Somehow, these problems are effectively dealt with gradually.
Making a sensible generalised statement, I can assert that in small businesses, there is usually one broadband line shared by various users for different applications like downloading data, visiting several websites, sending anmd receiving e mails etc. Adding a heavy application like VoIP to it is not a very good idea. The only way we can solve this by having dedicated E1 or increasing the number of connections.
Before choosing a product, it is always better to take a look at the positive and at the flip side so that we can have a clear picture of exactly what we are going to possess.
Article Source :- http://www.qwesz.com/voip-articles/a-closer-look-of-mobile-voip-pros-and-cons.html
Friday, September 10, 2010
Keep Talking in a Smarter Way

In the 21st century, calling cards have taken a back seat leaving further behind the international mobile rates. It is high time that mobile roaming call charges should compete with the newcomers like calling cards further followed by calling cards software. You can download this software, follow the instructions and your call will be automatically connected with ease.
Today even a rickshaw wallah carries a mobile with him. What does that tell you? It is the benefit given to the common man by way of huge competition in the telecom industry! Even in such competition, calling cards win the race of reasonable call rates! Mobile companies must take a look at that!
For the last few years, calling cards have been in use for making the reasonably charged international calls. It has VoIP technology as its backdrop which makes it a big hit. It excelled among those customers who did not have access to internet. Now a day it asks for one time instalment of calling through dialler and you are all set to be free of all the complications of calling cards on a daily basis.
The main problem with the usage of Calling Cards was that it used to take a longer time and had higher call costs. With the new software, you just need to configure on dialler the Access number, the PIN number and the destination number. The moment you complete this process, you can connect the call on an automated process.
The benefits of this Calling Cards Software can be best understood by tourists and business visitors because they have a lot to travel. The excess of travel demands a smart solution to the high call costs. One always wants to stay in touch with family and friends no matter how much we travel. Call through dialler is that smart solution I am talking about.
Many known handsets support this highly advanced software. Some of them can be listed as LG, Nokia, Motorola, Sony Ericson, iMate, Pantech, HTC, Palm, Asus, T- mobile, Gigabyte, Vodafone, BenQ, Siemens. Another important thing is that the software can be distributed by Web, WAP and OTA.
There are some other minute features which act as a compliment. One of them is facility of pre figured Access and Pin number which allows you to get rid of memorizing these numbers or typing them manually. Other than that, you get call log facility, calling card balance display facility and higher product satisfaction.
Article Source :- http://mobilevoipsoftware.weebly.com/mobile-voip.html
Friday, September 3, 2010
Effortless Call Back Services
The new age call back software
We have made it possible to use advanced technology in a much easier way possible. When the end result is same, everyone looks forward to a well turned-out and cost-effective way. The traditional Calling Cards have been modified to a callback service. This efficient call back service overcomes problems like a long Pin number, higher call costs, need to memorize destination number, longer time to connect and complicated operating system.
The new, modified Callback Software is efficient enough to make a call back even via your phone book. The whole automation of your call back system allows you to have same experience like that of a GSM call. Once you install the dialler, there are various things you need to consider. Several features like callback routing option, auto start and access number must be saved in your settings.
Access number is the one special code provided by your service provider. The two options Enable and Disable in the 'Auto start' feature lets you change the setting of an automatic start of call back service. Similarly, call back routing option allows you to either avail the service of callback on all calls or some selected ones! This way a smooth operation of call back service will be possible.
There are some other interesting features like phone book integration, call log information on screen, high sound quality and easy integration with existing callback infrastructure.
A brief outline of calling procedure
Before making a call, your number must be registered with the call back service provider. Type or select the destination number in your phone book and the 'dial' button. When you select the call back option, a call is made to call back access number and is disconnected on an automatic basis. A call will further be dialed by your call back service provider and once your call connects you start talking to the one you wanted!
Try this simplified version of call back service and you surely would not regret taking this.
Article Source :- http://www.qwesz.com/voip-articles/effortless-call-back-services.html
Friday, August 27, 2010
Mobility Takes the Lead in VoIP
Mobile VoIP Software comes with a new version 2.03 giving you superior voice quality with potentiality of making VoIP at affordable prices. With highly competitive rates in the mobile industry, wifi network access and affordable rates for GPRS services, VoIP mobile application is taking the lead. All you need to do is to download the mobile client and once its compatibility is found with the handset, you are all set to use your VoIP mobile application to the best.
Who would not love to give a personal touch to one's near and dear ones by sending audio data?! VoIP Dialler supports G729, G.711 and GSM codec for such requirement. One should check phone's operating system before downloading this software since it runs either on Symbian or Windows Mobile 5 and 6. There are various other interesting features like multi chatting, video conferencing, knowing the remaining balance by listening to IVR. A complimentary benefit added for the users is that they can even give brand name to their services as an operator. It is a double benefit service and therefore does not deserve to be skipped!
Mobile VoIP Application is supported by SIP for signalling purposes. Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is IETF defined protocol used for communicating through video or voice calls over IP (Internet Protocol). Some other functions like file transfer, online games, changing addresses, video conferencing, instant messaging are also included in the application processes. Sip Dialer is supposed to have all the functions available in the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) but it focuses on call set up protocol for IP based communication. Technology and implementation is different in SIP but the end results seem familiar. It is responsible for familiar functions like dialling a number, hearing the ring tone, a busy signal etc.
This is 21st century and therefore the way we communicate has also changed! It is much smarter and economical. VoIP Dialer is a smart choice in today's time.
Article Source :- http://www.qwesz.com/voip-articles/mobility-takes-the-lead-in-voip.html
Monday, August 16, 2010
Things to Remember While Choosing VoiP Providers
Price Factor
The cost involved for Voip Mobile Application could vary tremendously depending on VoiP provider that you are considering. Lower monthly fees would mean that you are less likely to get any additional features, which could prove a major handicap in future. For in stance there are some Voip cellular providers that won't allow you to place the calls outside their network. This could adversely affect your connectivity at many a time.
Features Offered
Before finalizing Voip cellular providers, compare the various call features on offer. In case you want specific and customized services like voice mail and call waiting, you should clarify whether these services that do not form part of the normal VoiP plans are available. Not all VoiP providers offer emergency services access (911). In case you are planning to keep the VoiP phone as your primary number then make sure that you get access to emergency services as well. However for those customers who intend to keep the VoiP phone as their secondary phone line, this feature might not be an essential feature
After Sales Support
Technical support is a crucial factor to be considered while buying Voip Mobile Application. After sales support might be offered for free by some companies while it will be charged extra by some. So make sure to check the after sales support terms with your VoiP provider to see what they are going to offer. Typically reputed companies do not charge extra for offering technical support whereas the smaller Mobile VoIP Software companies do charge the customers separately.
Number Portability
In case you want to retain the current land line number while opting for Voip cellular, this factor needs to be clarified with the Mobile Dialer Software provider. Retaining the same number could be of crucial importance in case of business houses and professionals and hence could be a major factor in influencing your choice of VoIP Mobile Application service providers.
Ensure that the new VoiP connection is compatible with your existing business phones. The Voip mobile application should cater to the growing size and communication needs of your organization. Before buying a VoIP connection, make sure that no hidden costs are involved in the form of specific hardware units that needs to be purchased for expanding the service.
iTel Mobile Dialer is a reputed company that deals in VoiP Mobile Dialer Software. The best part is that In case of up gradation requirements, VoIP mobile application can be easily upgraded without much additional expenditure.
Article Source :- http://www.qwesz.com/voip-articles/things-to-remember-while-choosing-voip-providers.html
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Make Low Cost International Calls With Call Back Services
How Call Back Services Work?
The subscribers who wish to use the callback are given a specific number which should be dialed first to set off the call back facility. It is known as a Direct Dial-In or Direct Inbound Dialing (DID) number. The same DID number can be used for multiple subscribers as the call back service is capable of recognizing each subscriber's registered number.
A Cost Effective and Convenient Call Making Option
Call back facility offers the convenience of getting response call within seconds. Once the subscriber dials the number and hears the ringing tone, the subscriber can hang up and await the callback. When the customer gets the call back, he needs to pick up the phone and dial the required number. Most of the call back services are based in the US, which would mean that in effect, the subscribers would be calling from the US.
For instance, a call to London in the UK would require the international access code and country calling code to be followed by the subscriber code. In the North American Numbering Plan 011 is used as the international access code, though most countries use the 00 code as per the International Telecommunication Union's Recommendation E.164.
The cost of Call Back Service involves the charges of an inbound and an outgoing call at the same time.
Automated Services Callback is normally automated through the use of web callback or mobile phone applications. However some countries have banned callback services as they eat into the revenue of telephone companies regulated by their government. However the low cost tag makes the Call Back options quite popular among the subscribers.
Call Back options serve as a vital communication link between people and in some cases it could well be the only way of making calls to each other. For instance to make a call from Israel to any Middle Eastern country, call Back is the only option available now. However with the advent of VoiP mobile services and Symbian Voip Applications, the subscribers have more options for making low cost international calls.
To know more about the exciting VoiP applications and call back offers, log on to the reputed company of iTel Mobile Dialer. A trusted name in Voip products, iTel has an impressive product catalogue including Symbian Voip Application and VoiP mobile application among others to cater to the diverse communication needs of the subscribers.
Article Source: http://www.articleblast.com/Computers_and_Internet/General/Make_Low_Cost_International_Calls_With_Call_Back_Services/
Friday, August 6, 2010
Mobile Voip – Get the Power of the Next Generation Technology
Mobile VoIP enables the users to transmit data through broad band internet connection as opposed to telephone cables. In the coming days, mobile VoiP will have a significant role in day to day lives as it allows the users to make low cost international calls and easy and speedy transmission of information. Mobile VoIP Software also offers solutions for switching and billing apart from the convenience of making secured calls without the risk of inflated bills as in conventional telephone services.
Advantages of VoiP Mobile application
VoIP Mobile Application helps you to save over 90% on international calls and is ideal for those who make regular ISD calls. VoiP mobile application can also be effectively used for mobile conferencing where more than two users can converse at a time and are compatible with the normal software packages.
Simple installation: Simple and easy installation makes it a popular communication option among everyone. All you need to have is a PC, a broadband connection and an Analog telephone adaptor which the VoIP service provider will provide to the customer. However the catch is that VoiP is power dependant and it will not work in the event of a power shut down. Connectivity issues and functional glitches if happen can also hamper the smooth operation of VoiP devices.
Flexibility: VoIP cellular can be taken anywhere in the world along with you and gives the freedom and flexibility of a wireless gadget unlike ordinary telephone that is fixed at a point. While availing the services opt VoiP Cellular, the customers can also choose their own virtual telephone numbers in any place covered by the VoIP provider so that you can make calls to these places at local call charges irrespective of the subscriber’s location.
Low Overheads: VoiP Cellular software and hardware components are fairly priced which adds up to its popularity and are also taxed low. The low call charges would make sure that you get a worthy deal.
The rates and deals might vary among the service providers and hence it is recommended that you do a proper ground work to arrive at some of the best possible options. Remember that a cheap deal might not mean a good deal at all times as you will be compromising on the quality of services and features.
Pick up a Mobile VoIP and enjoy hassle free communication that too without stretching your budget. Browse through a range of VoiP Cellular software options at iTel, which enjoys an impressive clientele and bolster your communication network to stay ahead in the corporate race!
Monday, August 2, 2010
SIP : it is basically a standard
If u want to get rid of overbilling then switch to VOIP CALLS. It allows you to enjoy long conversation without worrying about cost. Mobile VoIP Software provides solutions for switching and billing and too it provides stability and growth.VOIP provides flexibility as it can make secure calls and has the ability to make more than one calls. VoIP gives the advantage of inbound and outbound calling.
. ANALOG TELEPHONE ADAPTOR(ATD):This type of service has fixed location and is indistinguishable from PSTN
. VOIP PHONES: They provide calling without the use of computer and directly connect to PSTN
. A SOFTPHONE:It provides calling without any dedicated hardware
In order to make VoIP calls from mobile phones we use VoIP dialer .It provides lot of features
.easy installation
.it is automatic in nature that is it can call automatically many phone numbers
.easy usage
.user friendly
Byte server allows VoIP calls to pass through security mechanism which is firewall.
.compatibility- it provides compatibility with almost every version
.reduction of bandwith by 50%
.protection-by providing security mechanism by use of firewall
MONEY SAVIOUR:VOIP uses internet so the billing we have to do is monthly billing only.as compared to PSTN it saves 40% on local calls and 90% on international calls.
ENHANCES GROUP COMMUNICATION:In VoIP more than two users can be engaged in communication.it uses only some hardware devices in addition like speakers etc.they are compatible to almost all software packages.for the transmission it rely on data packets.
CHEAPER:software and hardware on which it rely is basically cheaper than others.this is the quality which can give VoIP an remarkable development.
EASY INSTALLATION: installation ,insertion of VoIP is done without any difficulty.many officials are attracted by it.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
1.Telephone to Telephone: these are most important type of services. In this a telephone adaptor is plugged into dsl and then connected to analog telephone.
2.Computer to Computer: it is communication by internet from one computer to another
VoIP provides recent services which is (wifi) wireless fidelity phones. These phones send out signals but on different frequencies. Before wifi phones usage was limited but today they are expanded to a large area. Cellular manufacturers are working on dual hybrid mode which includes cellular phone and wifi. Due to the adoption of 3g broadband services and wifi users have increased to a larger amount.viop calls can be made where there is no wifi connection by using a network operator data plan.
In order to have Mobile VoIP one must have a mobile phone which is compatible with the services. One can call VoIP on your phone like it would be on pc but by using wireless network.
Users are the one who want to cut down expenses. It is profit giving for business people and travellers. Everyone who needs mobile telephony is a user as mobile telephony is second name for mobile VoIP.
CALL BACK DIALER gives the experience in same way as we are dialling from regular phone. If you are facing with problems like long pin number, complicated system, higher costs then switch to call back dialer.
.Provides full branding
.Provides Log in and out information
.Integration is easier with phonebook ,call back infrastructure
.Sound quality is better
.Easy distribution of software by WEB, WAP.
.Support variety of mobile handsets including nokia,Samsung,blackberry
.Provides full automation
.The phone recognizes the network and connects to the network
.Call initiated by wireless network are routed through internet as VoIP calls
.If phone is not in range of any network then it is treated as regular network and cost is charged as of regular calls
.Dual phones hand off seamlessly
VoIP cell phones are entering in market to make calls over VoIP network